Monday, February 22, 2010

Swing Dancing at Disneyland

Swing dancing at Disneyland Park is a whole different experience once you get involved. I’m proud to say that I witnessed this magical moment of engagement on January 30, 2010. The exciting energy the swing dancers give you as your walking thru or just sitting down gazing upon their steps is just a joy to see. Sometimes I wish I had quick feet to get my legs moving to the Big Band Beat. It’s nice to see the wonderful attire these people come to dance in, beautiful dresses, nice suits and the hairdos and make-up are amazing. With the Carnation Plaza Gardens opening on August 18, 1956 the nice sheltered area surround by trees and flowers nestled against the castle looks nostalgic. At night the Plaza lights up and it looks amazing. I’m also glad to see the swing culture is still alive at Disneyland and it has inspired my family to look into taking swing classes so maybe one day we can also be seen dancing here at The Carnation Plaza Gardens. Congratulations Jeremy and Laura and thanks for the inspiration.

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