Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thrill Rides

When you know that you’re on a thrill ride is when your hands get sweaty and your heart starts to beat terribly fast. The Disney Resort in California is not known to have many thrill rides, but the ones they have are very exciting. One of the main attractions at Disney’s California Adventures is The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. This is a ride that has me screaming until my lungs run out of air. You can also get on the only rollercoaster in the park that has an upside-down loop. This is called California Screamin’. Finally, at Disneyland we have Space Mountain. Space Mountain takes you on an adventure of chills and screams through the darkness of space.

Space Mountain is a blast. I always scream when I go on this ride. I guess being in complete darkness is what generates my fear. My heart races on the first turn before we are blasted off. The speed around every turns has me clinging on to the hand rails. I can recall one time that when I was younger that I held on to my mom’s hand so tight that I left finger nail markings on her hand. Although this ride scares me I still continue to get on it every time I visit.

Finally, I saved the best for last. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror’s name explains it all. Just listing to the people scream as your waiting in line is just enough to get your heart racing. The anticipation of waiting in the elevator trying to get to the basement, where you board your ride sends chills running down your back. Keep in mind that all you have for safety is a seat belt that straps you in. You board the ride in an elevator and you can feel it moving up, higher and higher you go, then all of a sudden you drop. Again and again this happens and each time you are screaming and yelling. You lift from your seat as you’re desperately trying to hang on to something for comfort. The ride is over in an instant and as you get off you can still feel your heart beating fast. I know for a fact that this is a scary ride but for some reason I get on again and again and each time I scream. The thrills for each ride are very exciting and I believe that’s what keeps people coming back for more.

Members Only

Are you 23, D23 that is? D23 is a members only club for Disney fans. I happen to be a part of this magical club in which I get exclusives of everything that is Disney. I can get information on news and features from Disney Resorts. The Twilight Bark for this week says that Big Thunder Mountain Railroad will be down starting April 26- May 16, some good information if you plan on going those days. Walt Disney’s archives give me information on the history of the Disney Company. Here I can ask Dave, the Disney history expert, anything I want and he’ll respond quickly. Best of all, I can also get information on expos and events.

This year one of the main events that I plan to attend is Destination D: Disneyland ’55. This event is held at the Disneyland Hotel on September 24-25 2010. If you ever have a chance when you’re at Disneyland walk over to the hotel it’s very beautiful. This event is celebrating Disneyland’s 55th Anniversary. Here I plan on getting information on never built projects and attractions. I can’t wait to see what was in the planning for Disneyland back in the day. In fact, I’ll learn more secrets that I might have never known thanks to Disney’s Chief Archivist Dave Smith who learns something new every day. I love to hear Disney facts its mind blowing. I plan on attending his seminar to hear those facts. I will also get to see celebrity special guest and view some screenings. I wonder what celebrities I’ll see this time. The last expo I went to I got to see Johnny Depp, everyone around me went wild. He was promoting his pirate movie that comes out 2011. I have to remember to save these dates and mark them in my calendar so that I don’t miss out on these events. Some of the information is still hush to D23 members but when the tickets go on sale for us this summer we’ll have more information to talk about.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Breakfast Choices

While visiting the Happiest Place on Earth, something must be in the air that makes you hungry, especially during breakfast. It’s a good idea to have a plan on what you’ll be eating and how much you’ll be spending; it’s very easy to burn a hole in your wallet if you make the wrong choices. The food services range from casual dining, character dining, fine dining, quick services, and of course the snack carts. The Plaza Inn plays host to the Minnie and Friends Breakfast Buffet; this type of dining is considered character dining. While you’re eating the characters come out and greet you; it’s a perfect spot to get great pictures without standing in line, because the characters come to you. The prices for this service range from thirty five dollars or more per adult and twenty dollars or more per child. For something a little less expensive than chose the Carnation CafĂ©, you’ll get great breakfast choices such as their famous Mickey Mouse waffles, Cinnamon Roll French Toast, and specialty coffees just to name a few. The price range for this restaurant is ten to twenty dollars at the max per person; it just depends on what you order. In fact, for around ten dollars per person or less, the Blue Ribbon Bakery is a quick stop service. In and out, you can have a cinnamon roll in one hand and a coffee or milk in the other and you’re ready to go.

The Blue Ribbon Bakery is just the place for me. It saves me money and the pastries are delicious. Since I’m an annual passholder I get an additional fifteen percent off the purchase. The cinnamon rolls are always amazing. The icing floods the entire cinnamon roll and they’re always nice and hot. They’re even big enough so that two people can share, not bad for less than four dollars. The Mickey shaped cookies are always a favorite with the kids. They’re always nice and chewy and never stale. One of my favorites is the Mickey Krispie Treat you‘ll spend no more than three dollars for this item. The service at the bakery is wonderful. I have never had to stand in line for no more than ten minutes. What I believe keeps the line moving are the simple items on the menu. Everything is made ready to go. Depending on the type of day you’ll be having will depend on the type of food service you choose. Always remember to chose wisely.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Disneyland Shows

Of all things to do at Disneyland, catching a great show with your family is the best thing to do. Disney shows should be a part of every family’s itinerary, it gives your family the time to be together to have fun. If you’re looking for some excitement so that the entire family can participate, then Celebrate! A Street Party is a magnificent parade to view. The cast members will have your family dancing along with the parade’s party. Maybe you’re looking for some laughs and you enjoy country music, well then check out Billy Hill and The Hillbillies at The Golden Horseshoe Stage. The show is a wonderful comedy act integrated with music and the place is also a great restaurant to eat some terrific food. Above all, if you’re waiting for the night to come alive, then Fantasmic is a must see, with live performances, special effects, and thrilling music, Fantasmic is sure to be your favorite.

Fantasmic is a spectacular show over the Rivers of America, it is what Disney nights are made of. The live performances over the water are amazing. For example, Captain Hook’s ship sails by with Peter Pan and Captain Hook engaged in battle, while the rest of the pirates hold Wendy captive, Peter tries to rescue her, the choreography has the whole performance at a non-stop. The special effects in the show range from water effects to special lighting and fireworks. In fact, black lights illuminate the body of the giant snake Ka that wiggles his way on and off , while his eyes are like big bright head lights that blind you. The fireworks throughout the show are also wonderfully choreographed perfectly to each performance. Best of all, the enchanting music is perfectly suited for each scene. The captivating sounds range from jungle beats to soft princess songs and scores from Dumbo, Pinocchio, Little Mermaid, and Night on Bald Mountain etc. leave your ears wanting more and your mind wondering what’s coming next. I fully recommend that you take time with your family to catch a show on your next visit, it’s a wonderful experience and you never know it maybe just what your family needs.